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가로수길 프리미엄 살롱


SHE ; 그녀와  HE ; 그, 만을 위한
이야기를 담아내는
헤어메이크업 아티스트 그룹, 쉬작 _

트렌디하고 세심한 전문적인 서비스로 당신만이 가지고 있는 아름다움을 찾아 드립니다.


 그 이상의 경험, [쉬작] 에서 시작하세요

After a while you learn the subtie difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.And you learn that love dosen't mean leaning...And you begin to learn thet kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman.Not the grief of a child...

After a while you learn. That even sunshime burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting.For someone to bring you flowers...And you learn and you learn with every goodbye you learn. Veronica A.Shoffstall.

If I could change the world for just one day. To make it better for one moment, I'd lift the sorrowful veil. And recount the tale of a people longing for laughter, longing for love. If I could chang the world for just one day, I'd free the prisoners of sadness. So they can sing in the street, to music so sweet and they'll never look back in sorrow, only in love.
Beautiful world, light of love, light of life, just like a star, meant to guide us to the sagety a harbor known as paradise. Beautiful world, it's just a beautiful dream. Beautiful dream...
If I could change the world for just one day, to make it better for onemoment, I'd lift the sorrowful veil, and recount the tale of a people longing for laughter, longing for love. If I could change the world for just one day, I would embrace the broken-hearted, I'd take the pain that they felt, and make it all melt to a river, raging with laughter, raging with love. Beautiful world, light of love, light of life, just like a star, meant to guide us to the safety a harbor known as paradise. If I could change the world...

Make Up

아름다운 여인을 꿈꾸는 고객들의 마음을 담아
당신만을 위한 SHEJAC 만의 Style을 담은 메이크업을 선사합니다.


평생 단 한번만의 날인 당신만을 위해...​

​당신을 더욱 돋보여줄 쉬작만의 style을 만나보세요.


Shejac과 함께한 스타들을 소개합니다. 
아티스트들의 전문적인 노하우를 통해 더욱 아름다운 모습으로 변신한 스타들의 화보와
화보 속의 변신하는 촬영 스케치를 통해 Shejac 아티스트들의 실력을 확인하세요.



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